Why I'm starting a small business

If I had to write a book about my life it would probably be one of those cheesy paperbacks where boy meets girl, girl gets her heart broken, has a pretty rough time of it for a while until a big life event forces her to make some drastic life changes. Everyone questions her choices but she does her own thing anyway and everything turns out rosy.

So, last month I was made redundant after 13 years with the same company. I had been toying with the idea of leaving for a few years, finding it harder and harder to juggle what was becoming a very stressful office job with caring for my young daughter who has her fair share of problems. Perhaps I should be completely devastated by this change of circumstance, loss of job security, a regular income, the list goes on. Instead I am choosing to look at it as an opportunity to carve out another path for myself and start channeling my energy into doing something I love.   

I have always been a bit of a crafter and love exploring my creative side. I share some of my favourite projects on here but have never had the confidence to actually sell anything. So what can you expect from me?  A lot of home furnishings, I love sewing and experimenting with different fabrics. I also have a passion for vintage and have accumulated a stash of goodies over the years some of which will be up for grabs. Over the coming weeks I'll be busy photographing and stocking my little shop. Watch this space! 


  1. You go girl! I for one will be looking out for your creative items. Love anything with a personal touch and couldn't be from a lovelier person! Love you lady and good luck! I'll definitely be sharing your page xxx ❤️❤️❤️

    1. Love this message xxxx
      Thank you so much for your support, already working on ideas for Christmas so lots more to come!


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